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Sweet Sorghum

Sweet Sorghum: A Drought-Tolerant, Multi-Purpose Crop

At Afrinol Holdings, we are pioneering the cultivation of sweet sorghum in Kenya’s arid and semi-arid lands (ASALs). Sweet sorghum is a remarkable crop that thrives in challenging environments, requiring minimal water and agrochemical inputs. It’s a versatile crop with a wide range of applications, making it a cornerstone of our sustainable agriculture strategy.

Our Sweet Sorghum Project in Giritu Ranch

Why Sweet Sorghum?

Sweet Sorghum is the anchor crop for the TIAC project due to its exceptional adaptability to arid conditions and its multiple benefits. This drought-resistant crop requires minimal agrochemical inputs, making it both cost-effective and environmentally friendly. Sweet Sorghum’s versatility allows it to produce various valuable products, including syrup, bagasse, and stalk juice, essential for biofuel production.

Cultivation and Benefits

Cultivated on 5,000 hectares within the project, Sweet Sorghum can be harvested three times a year under irrigation. Its cultivation not only enhances soil health through crop rotation but also provides high yields of both grain and stalks. The extracted juice is processed into syrup, while the fibrous bagasse is used as biofuel and livestock feed. Stalk juice fermentation produces ethanol, contributing to renewable energy solutions.

Impact on Community and Sustainability

TIAC’s reforestation program aims to plant one million trees across 1,000 hectares, improving biodiversity and preventing soil erosion. The project involves local communities in sustainable practices, such as crop rotation and efficient water management. A 20MW hybrid solar/biogas power plant further supports environmental sustainability by reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

By integrating Sweet Sorghum cultivation with innovative agricultural practices and renewable energy production, the TIAC project promises a sustainable and prosperous future for Kenya’s ASAL regions.


2nd Floor Block A, 

Wilson Business Park, Langata NBO

+254 722 399 735

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